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Listed below are frequently asked questions. If you do not see the answer to your question, please feel free to email us at
Can I bring alcohol to the summer music series?No alcohol is permitted at the Long’s Park Summer Music Series
Do I need a ticket for the concerts?No, these concerts are sponsored concerts and open to the public. We do accept and appreciate all financial donations no matter the amount.
Where do I park for the concerts?Become a Producer Member and park next to the amphitheater. All others will be guided by parking attendants to a public parking area.
Will there be food at the concerts?Yes! Come hungry. Food trucks will be at every concert. A list of food trucks and menus can be found on our social media pages.
What should I bring to the concerts?Bring blankets and/or chairs to sit on and your dancing shoes.
Are concerts canceled due to rain?Only lightning in the area will cancel a concert. We ask everyone to leave in an orderly fashion under these circumstances. Otherwise, concerts are performed rain or shine, so please bring your umbrella and pancho and enjoy the music.
Do I need to commit to all three days to volunteer?No. Choose the date(s) that you’d prefer and the time slots you’re interested in volunteering. Complete the form to volunteer at or come by our tent at the concert.
How many volunteers do you need?We have over 200 volunteers each year, so we can always use more. There is something for everyone and a good time is had by all.
How will I be notified if I am needed?We will contact you by phone and email as soon as we receive your information. You will be scheduled to volunteer 45 days prior to the Art Festival. Thank you for volunteering.
What type of work is needed for volunteers?Everything from taking tickets, to sitting at an art booth while the artists have lunch. There are more physically demanding opportunities if you have the ability to lift boxes, and move tables.
Can I bring a pet to the Art FestivalAs much as we love our pets, they are not allowed at the Art Festival.
Do I need to commit to all concerts to volunteer?No. Choose the date(s) that you’d prefer and the time slots you’re interested in volunteering. Complete the form to volunteer at or come by our tent at the concert.
How many volunteers do you need?We have over 200 volunteers each year, so we can always use more. There is something for everyone and a good time is had by all.
How will I be notified if I am needed?We will contact you by phone and email as soon as we receive your information. Thank you for volunteering.
What type of work is needed for volunteers at the concerts?Placing parking signs and cones, helping set up and break down the tent, directing traffic, and carrying a bucket for donations just before each concert. There are more physically demanding opportunities if you have the ability to lift boxes, and move tables.
How do I become a member?Visit Select your membership level and pay online. You can pay by check: send check to our address online. You can text LPAFMEMBER to 53-555 to become a member.
What are the benefits of memberships?Too many to list here. Please go to for details. Thank you for supporting the arts.
What will I receive to prove I am a member?You will receive a membership card in the mail. Producer Members will receive a membership card and a widow decal for preferred parking. If you sign up at a concert, you will receive your membership at the Long’s Park Amphitheater Foundation tent.
Does the Producer Member have preferred parking for the Patriotic Concert?Yes, this year preferred parking is available on a first-come first-serve basis for Producer Members.

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